Was Jesus Anti-Rich?

Was Jesus Anti-Rich?

Sunday, July 31, 2022
| Luke 12:13-21

Speculating in cryptocurrency runs into the trillions of dollars every year. But would you risk your assets on something that begins with “crypto”?

Was Jesus anti-rich? Whatever answer you propose as you develop the sermon, it comes down to the takeaway in verse 15: “Take care! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; for one’s life does not consist in the abundance of possessions.” There it is. You could just say to the congregation, “That’s it. Any questions? Anything you don’t understand?” Take the offering, pronounce the benediction and send everyone home.

But you won’t do that and probably shouldn’t. You will unpack the text — the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth — drill down, explore and explain until you’re confident you’ve given the text due diligence.

The obvious place to start is with money. The aggrieved brother in the text is concerned about his share of an inheritance. He is not the only one we meet in the gospels who seems preoccupied with his stock portfolio. Remember the so-called “rich young ruler”? He...

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