Vey Iz Mir!

Vey Iz Mir!

Sunday, August 17, 2003
| 1 Kings 2:10-12; 3:3-14

Albert Einstein probably did more to add to our store of knowledge in the 20th century than any other human being. Yet a cloud of woe descended on this Person of the Century when he realized how wisdom can sometimes turn into folly.


Albert Einstein.


His name is synonymous with smarts.

People don’t say, “You don’t have to be an Edison to figure it out.”

They don’t say, “You don’t have to be a Bill Gates to figure it out.”

They don’t say, “You don’t have to be a Carl Sagan to figure it out.”

Instead, they say, “You don’t have to be an Einstein to figure it out.”

He had the wisdom of Solomon. Plus a mastery of the photoelectric effect, which earned him the Nobel Prize in physics.

Over the past nine months, there’s been a groundbreaking exhibit in New York about this great scientific genius. Although Einstein’s thoughts are often assumed to be too complex for mere mortals to master, The New Yorker reports that this assumption is completely untrue. Walk in the door of this exhibit, and you are immediately greeted with a view of yourself as seen through a black hole.

It’s not a pretty sight.

Then, as you work your way through the displays, you come to understand how light travels, why time warps, and what makes ...

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