The Lost World

The Lost World

Sunday, October 22, 2006
| Psalm 104: 1-9, 24, 35c

Less than a year ago, explorers stumbled across a primeval world that evoked images of creation as God intended it to be.

It’s a scene right out of a blockbuster action-adventure movie: a group of explorers hacking their way through an untracked jungle that has never seen humans before. As they blaze a trail through the misty and darkened rain forest, they stumble upon strange and exotic flora and fauna, never knowing what will be around the next turn. They’re miles from nowhere and alone in the midst of a beautiful and potentially dangerous paradise.

But instead of being a Jurassic Park knockoff, this particular expedition is the real deal.

And while there are no giant prehistoric lizards in this forest, humans running and screaming, the discoveries made by these adventurers are no less exciting.

In December of 2005, a group of researchers plunged into the most remote regions of the Foja Mountains on the island of New Guinea in the South Pacific — an area of some 740,000 acres that has never been visited by humans. Even the local people, the Kwerba, have made their living only on the...

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