When Life Gives You a Red Light

When Life Gives You a Red Light

Sunday, September 26, 2004
| Jeremiah 32:1-3a, 6-15

We hate to wait, whether we’re talking ticket counters, doctors’ offices, or red lights. Now, however, there’s a traffic light switcher to help us when we’re waiting at that intersection. Just click for a green light and off you go! Too bad we can’t do that in life!

We hate to wait.

Whether we’re standing in line at the DMV, being put on hold by customer service, or sitting at a red light, we have a tough time remaining relaxed until our turn finally comes around. Some people even take the approach of Albert Einstein and observe that time itself is relative — they are convinced that the clock in a doctor’s office waiting room actually gets slower ... and slower ... and slower ... as their waiting time gets longer and longer.

Well, there’s nothing that can be done about DMVs, customer service lines and doctor’s office waiting rooms. But red light delays are now being shortened by a high-tech tool.

A dashboard device has been put on the market that changes traffic lights from red to green at the touch of a button. According to The Washington Post, fire and rescue vehicles have had access to such equipment for years, but only recently have the devices become available to ordinary motorists.

Check it out. You’re running late for an appointment, and...

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