Childless Chic

Childless Chic

Sunday, November 16, 2003
| 1 Samuel 1:4-20; 2:1-10

More couples today are choosing to be child-free, preferring a lifestyle unencumbered by children. The biblical Hannah, however, was not child-free; she was childless, and it was a profound source of suffering.

They called her “Frosty.” But not because she was coldhearted.

Marion Frost was born in 1909 and earned a bachelor’s degree in education. Her last name morphed into the nickname “Frosty,” and she became a champion in bowling, golf, riflery and archery. Unmarried, she devoted her entire career to teaching physical education, taking only two years off to serve as a WAVE in the U.S. Navy during World War II.

A devout Christian and generous soul, Frosty was cheerfully child-free by choice, but was frequently kidded by colleagues. Suspicious glances and quiet whispers by mothers, fathers and clergy plagued her. Through it all, Frosty was undaunted.

Although she loved to teach children, she never wanted any of her own. She pondered marriage once, but she didn’t believe she was the mothering type, nor did she relish being fettered with domestic responsibility. She wanted freedom. Being child-free enabled her to live a fascinatingly full life, to be a brilliant and well-read conversationalist,...

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