

Sunday, July 6, 2003
| 2 Corinthians 12:2-10

Arnold is back in T3: Rise of the Machines reinforcing the message that power comes from strength. But Paul is also back in 2 Corinthians reminding us that true power comes in our weakness.

"I ’ll be back.”

That’s what “Ah-nuld” promised to a desk clerk in the first Terminator movie back in 1984. True to his word, he returned in 1991’s Terminator 2: Judgment Day. And now, this month, he’s back again, in one of the sure-fire blockbusters of the summer, T3: Rise of the Machines.

Grab your greasy popcorn and find a good seat. You’ll be treated to scenes of a speeding motorcycle roaring down a deserted highway at night, Arnold climbing out of a wrecked truck, massive machine gun-armed robots, a full body shot of a Terminator endoskeleton and a torn-up robot who is half-Arnold and half-Terminator — one who looks at the camera and says, “Desire is irrelevant. I am a machine.”

Oh, yeah. He’s back, pumped, powerful and primed for some eye-popping action. [NOTE: For more on the story line, see Animating Illustrations.]

According to today’s lesson from Second Corinthians, the apostle Paul felt like anything but a Terminator. He had seen an amazing vision of Paradise, hearing “things ...

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