No Big Regrets

No Big Regrets

Sunday, September 29, 2013
| Luke 16:19-31

A hospice nurse published a book about the top five regrets people have on their deathbeds. And not one of them involves not getting a business deal or promotion.

Ron Wayne was one of the founders of Apple, along with Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak. He helped to steer the computer company in its early days, and had a hand in designing the famous Apple logo. Wayne owned 10 percent of the company, while Jobs and Wozniak each owned 45 percent. But Wayne decided to hand back his stake, fearing that he would be liable for a portion of a $15,000 loan if the company went under.

Apple succeeded, of course, and if Wayne had held on to his stake it would now be worth more than $37 billion.

Does he have any regrets?

Surprisingly, no. "I made my decision on the information I had at the time," he tells James Thomson of SmartCompany. "I've got my health, my family and integrity -- and that is the best fortune you could ask for."

Do you believe him? Thirty-seven BILLION dollars -- and NO regrets? Hmmm.

Jesus tells the story of a rich man who was "dressed in purple and fine linen and who feasted sumptuously every day" (Luke 16:19). The man dies, is buried and finds...

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